Precise metabolic dependencies of cancer through deep learning and validations
The DeepMeta framework
The metabolic vulnerability of each specific sample is dependent on
the sample status and the metabolic network context. Here, we present
the DeepMeta framework to predict the metabolic gene dependence based on
the metabolic pathway information characterized by enzyme networks and
sample status information defined by gene expression profile. Thus,
DeepMeta has two inputs, the sample-specific enzyme network and the gene
expression information (Fig 1a
We used the graph attention network (GAT) module to extract
information from the sample-specific enzyme network to obtain the
embedding of the metabolic enzyme gene node, and used the fully
connected neuron network module to extract information from the
expression profiles of cells to get the sample state embedding (see
Methods). Here, the features of gene node in metabolic enzyme network
was implemented by binary vector which denotes the involvement of the
gene in chemical and genetic perturbation (CPG) gene sets. These two
parts of information are then merged to predict metabolic dependencies
for each specific samples (Fig 1a
). DeepMeta was trained on
cell line CRISPR-Cas9 screening data of DepMap (23Q2 version). We used
the post-Chronos gene dependency probability score to set up a
classification problem for our model. The dependency probabilities value
is between 0 and 1. Sample-gene pair with dependency score >0.5 were
defined as the positive class and the sample-gene pair with dependency
score <=0.5 were defined as the negative class. We choose cancer cell
lines with matched cancer type or tissue-specific Genome-Scale Metabolic
Models (GSMs) and genes existing in corresponding enzyme network and
positive in at least 3 cell lines. In together, 343,029 (760 cell lines
and 1063 genes) labeled samples were available. We randomly partitioned
cell lines into training (90%) and testing (10%) sets, and in the
training set, we randomly sampled 70% of data for training, 30% to
monitor training process and tune hyper-parameters.
To access the impact of different parts on the performance of the model, we conducted ablation experiments, and train new models using random metabolic node features, without the enzyme network or random sample expression as input, then compared the performance of these model with DeepMeta using ten-folds cross validation. First, we calculated metrics in every CV fold:
<- function(dt,need="all"){
get_roc <- dt %>%
dt mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(dt$truth)
dt$pred_label <- factor(dt$pred_label)
<- try(f_meas(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
f1 unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- try(kap(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
kappa unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(f1),NA,f1)
f1 <- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(kappa),NA,kappa)
kappa if (need == "all"){
<- roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
pr unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
}<- switch(
need,"roc" = roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"pr" = pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"f1" = f1,
"kappa" = kappa
<- function(dt,gene_name,need){
get_gene_metric <- dt %>%
dt mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2")) %>%
filter(genes == gene_name)
$truth <- factor(dt$truth)
dt$pred_label <- factor(dt$pred_label)
<- try(f_meas(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
f1 unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- try(kap(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
kappa unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(f1),NA,f1)
f1 <- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(kappa),NA,kappa)
<- switch(
need,"roc" = roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"pr" = pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"f1" = f1,
"kappa" = kappa
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/test_dtV2.rds")
test_dtV2 <- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/train_dtV2.rds")
train_dtV2 <- bind_rows(test_dtV2,train_dtV2)
all_dt <- all_dt %>%
all_dt_summ group_by(gene) %>%
summarise(pos_counts = mean(is_dep == 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(pos_counts < 0.9 & pos_counts > 0.1)
<- left_join(
all_dt_summ,%>% select(id,gene) %>% distinct_all()
<- c("own_model","random_feat","random_exp",
all_cv "no_gnn","gnn_model_random_y",
<- vector("list",8)
cv_res for (i in 1:8){
<- vector("list",10)
sub_res for (j in 1:10){
<- read.csv(paste0("~/DeepMeta/data/cv/",
pre "/fold_",j-1,".csv")) %>% select(-X)
all_cv[i],<- ifelse(i %in% c(1:7),get_roc(pre,need = "roc"),NA)
pre_roc <- ifelse(i %in% c(1:7),get_roc(pre,need = "pr"),NA)
pre_pr <- get_roc(pre,need = "f1")
pre_f1 <- get_roc(pre,need = "kappa")
pre_kap <- pre %>%
dt filter(genes %in% all_dt_summ$id) %>%
group_by(genes) %>%
summarise(pos_counts = sum(label == 1),
neg_counts = sum(label == 0)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(pos_counts>0 & neg_counts > 0)
<- data.frame(gene = unique(dt$genes)) %>%
pre_gene_roc rowwise() %>%
mutate(roc = ifelse(i == 8,NA,
get_gene_metric(pre,gene_name = gene,"roc"))) %>%
<- data.frame(
sub_res[[j]] fold = paste0("Fold-",j),
ROC = pre_roc,
PR = pre_pr,
F1 = pre_f1,
Kappa = pre_kap,
per_roc = mean(pre_gene_roc$roc,na.rm=T)
}<- bind_rows(sub_res)
sub_res $type <- all_cv[i]
sub_res<- sub_res
}<- bind_rows(cv_res)
cv_res <- cv_res %>%
cv_res ::pivot_longer(cols = c("ROC","PR","F1","Kappa","per_roc"),
tidyrnames_to = "Metric",values_to = "Value")
<- na.omit(cv_res)
cv_res saveRDS(cv_res,file = "data/cv_res.rds")
Plot results for ablation experiments (Fig1b
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/cv_res.rds")
cv_res <- cv_res %>%
cv_res filter(Metric != "per_f1") %>%
mutate(Metric = ifelse(Metric == "per_roc","Per-ROC",Metric))
<- cv_res %>%
cv_1 filter(!(type %in% c("ml_logistic","ml_rf","ml_svm")))
ggbarplot(cv_1, x = "type", y = "Value",fill="Metric",
add = "mean_se", label = TRUE,
lab.vjust = -0.5,position = position_dodge(0.9),
order = c("own_model","random_feat","random_exp","no_gnn",
palette = c("#2B4F7D","#3B77B0","#7BC5E3","#EEDC96","#637951"),
lab.nb.digits = 2, xlab=F)+
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("DeepMeta","Random Feature",
"Random Expression",
"Without GNN","Scrambled label"))+
We also performed scrambling label experiment as negative control to verify that the achieved performance was not by chance. Besides, our model achieved an average ten-fold per-ROC (ROC of individual gene) of 0.61, much higher than expected by random chance using the scrambled-label method (average per-ROC of 0.49).
<- vector("list",10)
res for (j in 1:10){
<- read.csv(paste0("~/DeepMeta/data/cv/own_model",
pre "/fold_",j-1,".csv")) %>% select(-X)
<- pre %>%
dt filter(genes %in% all_dt_summ$id) %>%
group_by(genes) %>%
summarise(pos_counts = sum(label == 1),neg_counts = sum(label == 0)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(pos_counts>0 & neg_counts > 0)
<- data.frame(gene = unique(dt$genes)) %>%
pre_gene_roc rowwise() %>%
mutate(roc = get_gene_metric(pre,gene_name = gene,"roc")) %>%
$fold <- j
pre_gene_roc<- left_join(
pre_gene_roc %>% rename(id = gene),
)<- pre_gene_roc
}<- bind_rows(res)
<- res %>%
res_gene_summ group_by(gene) %>%
summarise(ave_per_roc = mean(roc)) %>%
saveRDS(res_gene_summ,file = "data/per_roc.rds")
Among these genes, the proportion of genes with an ROC exceeding 0.5
is about 85% (Extended Data Fig. 1
), indicating that our
model has good predictive performance for most genes:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/per_roc.rds")
res_gene_summ $tt <- ""
res_gene_summggboxplot(res_gene_summ,x="tt",y="ave_per_roc",xlab = FALSE,
ylab = "Average ROC")
We compared the model performance with three machine learning (ML)
models (see Methods). Since the machine learning model cannot handle
high-dimensional input features (3247 metabolic node features plus
7993-dimensional sample gene expression features), these ML models used
dimension-reduced inputs obtained by principal component analysis (PCA)
and were trained and validated in ten-fold cross-validation
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/cv_res.rds")
cv_res <- cv_res %>%
cv_res filter(Metric != "per_f1") %>%
mutate(Metric = ifelse(Metric == "per_roc","Per-ROC",Metric))
<- cv_res %>%
cv_2 filter(type %in% c("own_model","ml_logistic","ml_rf","ml_svm"))
ggbarplot(cv_2, x = "type", y = "Value",fill="Metric",
add = "mean_se", label = TRUE,
lab.vjust = -0.5,position = position_dodge(0.9),
order = c("own_model","ml_logistic","ml_rf","ml_svm"),
palette = c("#2B4F7D","#3B77B0","#7BC5E3","#EEDC96","#637951"),
lab.nb.digits = 2, xlab=F)+
Model performance evaluation
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/enz_gene_mapping.rds")
enz_gene_mapping <- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/cpg_gene.rds")
cpg_gene <- function(ensg,mapping){
ensg2name <- strsplit(ensg," and ")[[1]]
tt <- mapping$symbol[which(mapping$ensembl_id %in% tt)] %>%
tt_gene unique()
<- tt_gene %>%
sym paste(.,collapse=",")
In the test dataset (76 cell lines and 1010 genes), DeepMeta achieved
the ROC of 0.94 (Fig2a
), illustrating our model enables
accurate prediction of metabolic dependencies:
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/test_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
pre <- pre %>%
pre mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(pre$truth)
pre$pred_label <- factor(pre$pred_label)
<- pr_auc(pre, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
pr unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_auc(pre, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_curve(pre, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p1 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1) +
theme_bw() +
annotate(geom="text", x=0.75, y=0.7, label=paste0("ROC-AUC: ",roc),
We further validated DeepMeta performance using four independent datasets:
- Another CRISPR screen data conducted by the Sanger institute using a different CRISPR library8, containing 200 cell lines overlapped with training data and 25 unique cell lines;
- RNAi screen data9, which apply DEMETER2 to the combination of three large-scale RNAi screening datasets: the Broad institute project Achilles, Novartis project DRIVE, and the Marcotte et al. breast cell line dataset. This dataset contain 417 overlapped cell lines and 160 unique cell lines;
- The Childhood Cancer Model Atlas10 (CCMA) dataset which performs CRISPR-Cas9 screen in 110 paediatric solid tumour cell lines and reports Z scores;
- Pemovska et.al11 drug screen dataset, which performs metabolic drug library (contains 243 compounds) screen in 15 cancer cell lines (14 cells with gene expression data) and reports AUC scores, larger AUC score indicates stronger killing effect on cell.
DeepMeta achieved high AUROC scores in Sanger and RNAi dataset, both
for overlapped and unique cells (Fig2b
<- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/sanger_gene_dependency_chronos.csv",data.table = F)
sanger colnames(sanger)[2:ncol(sanger)] <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",
<- sanger %>%
sanger ::pivot_longer(cols = colnames(sanger)[2:ncol(sanger)],names_to = "gene",
tidyrvalues_to = "score")
colnames(sanger)[1] <- "cell"
<- sanger %>%
sanger filter(! %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
>0.5 ~ 1,
score<=0.5 ~ 0
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/sanger_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
pre <- data.frame(id = unique(c(pre$gene_name))) %>%
pre_gene rowwise() %>%
mutate(gene=ensg2name(id,enz_gene_mapping)) %>% ungroup()
<- pre %>%
pre left_join(.,pre_gene %>% rename(gene_name=id)) %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = gene,delim = ",") %>%
tidyrleft_join(.,sanger) %>% filter(! %>%
group_by(cell,gene_name) %>%
summarise(preds = unique(preds),
preds_raw = unique(preds_raw),
label = max(type,na.rm = T)) %>%
saveRDS(pre,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/sanger_pre.rds")
The results of Sanger dataset:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/sanger_pre.rds")
pre <- pre %>%
pre mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(pre$truth)
pre$pred_label <- factor(pre$pred_label)
<- read.csv("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/new_model/cell_net_filter_exp/raw/train_cell_info.csv")
train_dt <- pre %>% filter(cell %in% train_dt$cell)
common_cell <- pre %>% filter(!(cell %in% train_dt$cell))
<- roc_auc(common_cell, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc_comm unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_auc(unique_cell, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc_unique unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_curve(common_cell, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p4 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)+
annotate(geom="text", x=0.5, y=0.7, label=paste0("Seen Cells ROC-AUC: ",roc_comm),
<- roc_curve(unique_cell, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p5 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)+
annotate(geom="text", x=0.5, y=0.7, label=paste0("Unseen Cell ROC-AUC: ",roc_unique),
+p5 p4
The results of RNAi dataset:
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/rnai_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
pre <- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/train_dtV2.rds")
train_dt <- pre %>%
pre mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(pre$truth)
<- pre %>% filter(cell %in% train_dt$cell)
seen <- pre %>% filter(!(cell %in% train_dt$cell))
<- roc_auc(seen, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
seen_roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_auc(unseen, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unseen_roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_curve(seen, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p2 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)+
annotate(geom="text", x=0.5, y=0.7, label=paste0("Seen Cells ROC-AUC: ",seen_roc),
<- roc_curve(unseen, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p3 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)+
annotate(geom="text", x=0.5, y=0.7, label=paste0("Unseen Cells ROC-AUC: ",
+p3 p2
CCMA dataset uses Z score to quantify gene dependency, consistent
with the original paper, we classified cell-gene pair with Z score less
than -1.5 as positive class and others as negative class. Although the
model only achieved a moderate AUROC score in this dataset, there is a
significant difference in the Z scores between different predicted
classes (Fig2d
<- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/CCMA_CRISPRdependencyscore.csv", data.table = F)
ccma_dep <- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/ccma_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
pre <- data.frame(id = unique(c(pre$gene_name))) %>%
pre_gene rowwise() %>%
mutate(gene=ensg2name(id,enz_gene_mapping)) %>%
<- pre %>%
pre left_join(.,pre_gene %>% rename(gene_name=id)) %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = gene,delim = ",") %>%
%>% select(sample,gene,z) %>%
ccma_dep rename(cell=sample)) %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(cell,gene_name) %>%
summarise(preds = unique(preds),
preds_raw = unique(preds_raw),
z_score = min(z,na.rm = T)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(label = ifelse(z_score < (-1.5),1,0))
saveRDS(pre,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/ccma_pre.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/ccma_pre.rds")
pre <- pre %>%
pre mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(pre$truth)
pre$pred_label <- factor(pre$pred_label)
<- roc_auc(pre, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- roc_curve(pre, truth, preds_raw) %>%
p6 ggplot(aes(x = 1 - specificity, y = sensitivity)) +
geom_path() +
coord_fixed(xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)+
annotate(geom="text", x=0.4, y=0.85, label=paste0("ROC-AUC: ",roc),
<- ggboxplot(data=pre,x="preds",y="z_score")+
p7 stat_compare_means()+
labs(x="Model Prediction",y="Dependency Z scores")+
geom_hline(yintercept = (-1.5),color="red",linewidth=2,linetype=2)
+p7 p6
For each cell-gene pair in Pemovska dataset, we first obtain the
maximum AUC value of all drugs targeting a specific gene, then rank the
genes in each cell based on this AUC value and assign ranks. We showed
the overlap of the top 5 genes predicted by DeepMeta and the genes with
top 3 AUC rank in each cell (Fig 2e
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/drug_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
pre <- data.frame(id = unique(c(pre$gene_name))) %>%
pre_gene rowwise() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre left_join(.,pre_gene %>% rename(gene_name=id))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/nc_drug.rds")
####get gene AUC of drugs
<- function(cell,gene,drug_dt){
get_auc <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
genes <- vector("list",length(genes))
res for (i in 1:length(genes)){
<- drug_dt %>% filter(grepl(genes[i],target_gene))
drug_dt_t <- drug_dt_t
}<- bind_rows(res)
res if (nrow(res)==0){
}<- res %>% select(cell,drug_name)
res return(list(max(res[,1]),
collapse = ",")))
<- pre %>%
pre_drug rowwise() %>%
mutate(max_auc = get_auc(cell,gene,nc_drug)[[1]],
max_auc_drug = get_auc(cell,gene,nc_drug)[[2]]) %>%
<- pre_drug %>%
pre_drug na.omit() %>%
group_by(cell) %>%
mutate(rank_auc = rank(-max_auc)) %>%
saveRDS(pre_drug,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/nc_pre_drug_V2.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/nc_pre_drug_V2.rds")
pre_drug <- pre_drug %>%
pre_drug_top group_by(cell) %>%
slice_max(order_by = preds_raw, n =5) %>%
###label rank = 1
<- pre_drug_top %>%
pre_drug_top mutate(ll = ifelse(rank_auc <= 3,
paste0("Rank: ",rank_auc,", AUC: ",round(max_auc,2)),
"")) %>%
mutate(ll1 = ifelse(rank_auc <= 3,
paste0("Rank: ",rank_auc),""))
ggscatter(pre_drug_top, x = "cell", y = "preds_raw")+
geom_text_repel(aes(label = ll),box.padding = 0.5,min.segment.length = 0,
max.overlaps = Inf) +
geom_point(color = ifelse(pre_drug_top$ll == "", "grey50", "red"),size=4)+
labs(x="Cell Lines",y="Model Prediction")
Interestingly, we found that 11 of the 14 cells contain overlap genes and the AUC rank of the most overlapped genes is 1 (8/11, median AUC value of these overlapped gene is 0.85). This result indicates that DeepMeta predictions can be recapitulated by actual drug screening experiments. In summary, DeepMeta shows good performance and generalization ability on different independent datasets.
We also calculated other metrics in these validation dataset
(Extended Data Fig. 3
<- function(dt,need="all"){
get_roc <- dt %>%
dt mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2"))
$truth <- factor(dt$truth)
dt$pred_label <- factor(dt$pred_label)
<- try(f_meas(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
f1 unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- try(kap(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
kappa unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(f1),NA,f1)
f1 <- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(kappa),NA,kappa)
kappa if (need == "all"){
<- roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
roc unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
<- pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
pr unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2)
}<- switch(
need,"roc" = roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"pr" = pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"f1" = f1,
"kappa" = kappa
}<- function(dt,gene_name,need){
get_gene_metric <- dt %>%
dt mutate(truth = ifelse(label == 1, "Class1","Class2"),
pred_label = ifelse(preds == 1, "Class1","Class2")) %>%
filter(genes == gene_name)
$truth <- factor(dt$truth)
dt$pred_label <- factor(dt$pred_label)
<- try(f_meas(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
f1 unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- try(kap(dt,truth,pred_label)[".estimate"] %>%
kappa unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),silent = TRUE)
<- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(f1),NA,f1)
f1 <- ifelse('try-error' %in% class(kappa),NA,kappa)
<- switch(
need,"roc" = roc_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"pr" = pr_auc(dt, truth, preds_raw)[".estimate"] %>%
unlist() %>% unname() %>% round(.,2),
"f1" = f1,
"kappa" = kappa
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/train_dtV2.rds")
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/test_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
test <- get_roc(test)
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/sanger_pre.rds")
sanger <- sanger %>% filter(cell %in% train_dt$cell)
sanger_common_cell <- sanger %>% filter(!(cell %in% train_dt$cell))
sanger_unique_cell <- get_roc(sanger_common_cell)
sanger_seen_m <- get_roc(sanger_unique_cell)
<- read.csv("~/DeepMeta/data/rnai_preV2.csv") %>% select(-X)
rnai <- rnai %>% filter(cell %in% train_dt$cell)
rnai_seen <- rnai %>% filter(!(cell %in% train_dt$cell))
rnai_unseen <- get_roc(rnai_seen)
rnai_seen_m <- get_roc(rnai_unseen)
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/ccma_pre.rds")
ccma <- get_roc(ccma)
<- data.frame(
dt CCMA = ccma_m,
`RNAi-Seen` = rnai_seen_m,
`Sanger-Seen` = sanger_seen_m,
`RNAi-Unseen` = rnai_unseen_m,
`Sanger-Unseen` = sanger_unseen_m,
Test = test_m,
Metrics = c("AUROC","AUPRC","F1","Kappa")
check.names = FALSE) %>%
,::pivot_longer(cols = 1:6,names_to = "Type",values_to = "Value")
ggbarplot(dt, x = "Type", y = "Value",fill="Metrics",
label = TRUE,
lab.vjust = -0.5,position = position_dodge(0.9),
order = c("Test","RNAi-Seen","RNAi-Unseen","Sanger-Seen",
palette = c("#2B4F7D","#3B77B0","#EEDC96","#637951"),
lab.nb.digits = 2, xlab=F)
The slightly low metrics in RNAi dataset
(Extended Data Fig. 4
) is partly due to the low correlation
between the RNAi and the CRISPR dataset:
<- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/rnai_gene_dependency.csv",
rnai data.table = F)
colnames(rnai)[2:ncol(rnai)] <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",
<- rnai %>%
rnai ::pivot_longer(cols = colnames(rnai)[2:ncol(rnai)],names_to = "gene",
tidyrvalues_to = "score")
colnames(rnai)[1] <- "cell"
<- readRDS("/home/data/sdb/wt/model_data/dep_dt.rds")
dep_dt <- inner_join(
merge_dt %>% rename(cell = ModelID, cri_score = score),
dep_dt %>% rename(rnai_score = score),
rnai by = c("cell","gene")
%>% na.omit(.)
) %>% group_by(gene) %>%
merge_dt summarise(cor=cor(cri_score,rnai_score)) -> tt
#> Warning: There were 5 warnings in `summarise()`.
#> The first warning was:
#> ℹ In argument: `cor = cor(cri_score, rnai_score)`.
#> ℹ In group 10360: `gene = "RAN"`.
#> Caused by warning in `cor()`:
#> ! the standard deviation is zero
#> ℹ Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 4 remaining warnings.
<- gghistogram(tt, x = "cor",
p1 fill = "#00AFBB",
add = "median", rug = TRUE,
title = "Correlation of dependency score")+
labs(y="Gene Counts",x="Correlation")
#> Warning: Using `bins = 30` by default. Pick better value with the argument
#> `bins`.
#> Warning: `geom_vline()`: Ignoring `mapping` because `xintercept` was provided.
#> Warning: `geom_vline()`: Ignoring `data` because `xintercept` was provided.
<- merge_dt %>%
merge_dt mutate(cri_type = case_when(
> 0.5 ~ "Positive",
cri_score <= 0.5 ~ "Negative",
cri_score TRUE ~ "None"
)) mutate(rnai_type = case_when(
> 0.5 ~ "Positive",
rnai_score <= 0.5 ~ "Negative",
rnai_score TRUE ~ "None"
<- merge_dt %>%
merge_summ group_by(cri_type) %>%
summarise(Negative = sum(rnai_type == "Negative"),
Positive = sum(rnai_type == "Positive"),
None = sum(rnai_type == "None")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
::pivot_longer(cols = c("Negative","Positive","None"),names_to = "Rnai",
tidyrvalues_to = "freq")
<- ggplot(data = merge_summ,
p2 aes(axis1 = cri_type, axis2 = Rnai, y = freq)) +
geom_alluvium(aes(fill = Rnai),show.legend=T) +
geom_stratum() +
geom_text(stat = "stratum",
aes(label = after_stat(stratum))) +
labs(title = "Change of label between CRISPR and RNAi")
+ p2
p1 #> Warning: Removed 5 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).
#> Warning in to_lodes_form(data = data, axes = axis_ind, discern =
#> params$discern): Some strata appear at multiple axes.
#> Warning in to_lodes_form(data = data, axes = axis_ind, discern =
#> params$discern): Some strata appear at multiple axes.
#> Warning in to_lodes_form(data = data, axes = axis_ind, discern =
#> params$discern): Some strata appear at multiple axes.
Explaining complex deep learning model helps us to understand its learning capabilities. The GAT model, due to its utilization of attention mechanisms during model training, is a naturally interpretable model. Thus, we extracted attention weights from the GAT model to determine the importance of a gene’s neighbor genes for its prediction and defined the neighbor importance score:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/train_dtV2.rds")
train_dtV2 <- train_dtV2 %>%
train_dtV2 mutate(index = paste(cell,id,sep = "-"))
##atten weight
<- list.files("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/autodl_143/autodl-tmp/atten/",full.names = T)
files <- lapply(
files,function(x){data.table::fread(x,data.table = F)}
)<- bind_rows(res)
<- res %>%
res mutate(index = paste(cell,genes_x,sep = "-")) %>%
filter(index %in% train_dtV2$index) %>%
%>% select(index,gene,is_dep),
train_dtV2 by = "index")
$weight <- rowMeans(res[,c("w1","w2","w3")])
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/enz_gene_mapping.rds")
enz_gene_mapping <- function(ensg,mapping){
ensg2name <- strsplit(ensg," and ")[[1]]
tt <- mapping$symbol[which(mapping$ensembl_id %in% tt)] %>%
tt_gene unique()
<- tt_gene %>%
sym paste(.,collapse=",")
}<- data.frame(genes_y = unique(res$genes_y))
<- all_genes %>%
all_genes rowwise() %>%
mutate(gene_y = ensg2name(genes_y, enz_gene_mapping)) %>%
<- left_join(res,all_genes)
res <- res %>% filter(preds_x == is_dep) ##提取预测正确的样本
res_filter saveRDS(res_filter,file = "/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/atten_weightV2.rds")
rm(list = ls())
<- readRDS("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/atten_weightV2.rds")
atten_weight <- atten_weight %>%
weight select(cell,gene,gene_y,weight) %>% distinct_all() %>%
group_by(gene,cell) %>%
slice_max(order_by = weight,n = 3) %>% ungroup()
<- atten_weight %>%
cell_counts select(cell,gene,gene_y,weight) %>%
group_by(gene) %>%
summarise(counts = length(unique(cell))) %>% ungroup()
<- weight %>%
gene_attr filter(weight > 0) %>%
group_by(gene,gene_y) %>%
summarise(occour_counts = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(.,cell_counts) %>%
mutate(imp = occour_counts/counts)
saveRDS(gene_attr,file = "data/local_imp.rds")
For each pair of gene, we computed the correlation of their DepMap dependency scores and compared them with the neighbor importance scores. In comparison to groups with low dependency correlation (R < 0.2), those with higher dependency correlation (R > 0.8) exhibited significantly elevated neighbor importance scores:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/local_imp.rds")
local_imp <- strsplit(paste(paste(local_imp$gene,collapse = ","),
all_genes paste(local_imp$gene_y,collapse = ","),
collapse = ","), split = ",")[[1]] %>% unique()
<- readRDS("/home/data/sdb/wt/model_data/dep_dt.rds")
dep_dt <- dep_dt %>% filter(gene %in% all_genes)
dep_dt <- dep_dt %>%
dep_dt ::pivot_wider(names_from = "gene",values_from = "score") %>%
<- WGCNA::cor(as.matrix(dep_dt), use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
cor_res #>
#> Warning in storage.mode(x) <- "double": NAs introduced by coercion
cor_res $gene <- rownames(cor_res)
cor_res<- cor_res %>%
cor_res ::pivot_longer(cols = 1:2438,
tidyrnames_to = "targt_genes",values_to = "cor")
<- cor_res %>% mutate(index = paste(gene,targt_genes,sep = "-"))
<- local_imp %>%
gene_attr_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = c("gene"),delim = ",") %>%
tidyr::separate_longer_delim(cols = c("gene_y"),delim = ",")
tidyr<- inner_join(
cor_res,%>% mutate(index = paste(gene,gene_y,sep = "-")) %>%
gene_attr_split select(index,imp)
) mutate(cor_type = case_when(
> 0.8 ~ "High Dependency Cor \n(>0.8)",
cor < 0.2 ~ "Low Dependency Cor \n(<0.2)",
cor TRUE ~ "others"
%>% filter(cor_type != "others")
)) #> Joining with `by = join_by(index)`
ggboxplot(data=cor_res_all,x="cor_type",y="imp",xlab = FALSE,
ylab = "Local importance score",
order = c("Low Dependency Cor \n(<0.2)","High Dependency Cor \n(>0.8)"))+
This demonstrates that our model could utilize attention mechanism to learn the metabolic dependency associations between genes. We show the genes that are crucial for predicting the metabolic dependency of the GPX4 as an example:
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#> as_data_frame, groups, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union
<- function(pre_dt,gene_name){
get_atten_plot <- pre_dt %>% dplyr::filter(gene == gene_name)
test ##选择权重大于0的top3基因
<- test %>%
test_summ ::group_by(cell) %>%
dplyr::slice_max(order_by = weight, n = 3) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(weight > 0)
dplyr<- length(unique(test_summ$cell))
all_cell_counts <- test_summ %>%
gene_summ ::group_by(gene_y) %>%
dplyr::summarise(cell_counts = length(unique(cell))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(weight = cell_counts/all_cell_counts) %>%
dplyr::mutate(source = gene_name) %>%
dplyr::rename(target = gene_y) %>%
dplyr::select(source, target, weight) %>%
dplyr::filter(target != gene_name)
dplyr<- graph_from_data_frame(gene_summ,directed = F)
gene_g V(gene_g)[gene_summ$target]$color <- "#11325D"
V(gene_g)[gene_summ$source]$color <- "#F5A673"
plot(gene_g,vertex.size=8, edge.arrow.size=0.3,
vertex.label.dist=1.5, vertex.label.cex = 0.8,
edge.width = E(gene_g)$weight*20,
<- readRDS("/home/data/sdc/wt/model_data/atten_weightV2.rds")
atten_weight get_atten_plot(atten_weight, gene_name = "GPX4")
#> # A tibble: 25 × 3
#> source target weight
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 GPX4 ABCC5 0.0136
#> 2 GPX4 ACSL3 0.0680
#> 3 GPX4 AQP10 0.00907
#> 4 GPX4 AQP7 0.0862
#> 5 GPX4 CRAT 0.00907
#> 6 GPX4 CYP3A5 0.0136
#> 7 GPX4 CYP4F11 0.0635
#> 8 GPX4 ELOVL7 0.0317
#> 9 GPX4 ESD 0.0658
#> 10 GPX4 GSR 0.542
#> # ℹ 15 more rows
The model reveales that the most essential gene for predicting GPX4’s metabolic dependency is GSR, which aligns with existing study (Paper: Metabolic determinants of cancer cell sensitivity to canonical ferroptosis inducers, Figure1):
Soula et al. used CRISPR-Cas9 genetic screens to target 2,998 metabolic genes under GPX4 inhibition by RSL3 and GSR was among top negative scoring genes under RSL3 treatment, indicting loss of GSR strongly potentiates RSL3 toxicity.
TCGA analysis
We applied the DeepMeta to TCGA samples, including 8937 samples of 25 cancer types, to predict metabolic dependencies at the pan-cancer level.
Pan-cancer metabolic dependency
Genes acting in the same cellular pathway should show similar patterns of essentiality. We calculated the Spearman correlation between the predicted dependency probabilities of genes.
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/kegg_all_pathway.rds")
kegg <- kegg %>%
kegg filter(grepl("Metabolism",class) | grepl("metabolism",pathway)) %>%
mutate(pathway = gsub(" \\- Homo sapiens \\(human\\)","",pathway))
<- function(gene,pathway){
get_pathway <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
gene <- pathway %>% filter(genes %in% gene)
pathway return(c(paste(unique(pathway$pathway),collapse = ";"),
paste(unique(pathway$class),collapse = ";")))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_V2.rds")
pre <- data.frame(gene = unique(c(pre$gene))) %>%
pre_pathway rowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[1],
class = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[2]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre_pathway left_join(.,pre_pathway) %>% na.omit()
<- unique(pre_pathway$gene)
#create the cluster
<- parallel::makeCluster(
my.cluster 80,
type = "PSOCK"
)#register it to be used by %dopar%
::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
<- foreach(
res i = 1:length(all_gene),
.export = c("pre_pathway","all_gene"),
.packages = c("dplyr")
%dopar% {
) <- pre_pathway %>%
gene_dt filter(gene == all_gene[i]) %>%
select(cell, preds_raw) %>%
rename(preds2 = preds_raw)
<- sapply(all_gene,
gene_res function(x){
<- pre_pathway %>% filter(gene == x)
dt <- inner_join(
dt %>% select(cell,preds_raw),
dt by = "cell"
) <- tryCatch({cor.test(dt$preds_raw,dt$preds2,
dt_res method = "sp")},
error = function(e){
})if (class(dt_res) == "data.frame"){
gene_res $genes <- rownames(gene_res)
gene_rescolnames(gene_res)[1] <- "cor"
$genes <- gsub(".rho","",gene_res$genes)
gene_res$main_gene <- all_gene[i]
}::stopCluster(cl = my.cluster)
<- bind_rows(res)
res <- res %>%
res_dt ::pivot_wider(names_from = main_gene,
tidyrvalues_from = cor) %>%
rownames(res_dt) <- res_dt$genes
<- res_dt %>% select(-genes)
res_dt saveRDS(res_dt,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_cor_all_gene_rho.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_cor_all_gene_rho.rds")
tcga_pre_cor $main_gene <- rownames(tcga_pre_cor)
tcga_pre_cor<- tcga_pre_cor %>%
tcga_pre_cor ::pivot_longer(cols = ACSL4:PGAM4, names_to = "target_gene",
tidyrvalues_to = "cor") %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(main_pathway = get_pathway(main_gene,kegg)[1],
target_pathway = get_pathway(target_gene,kegg)[1]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(nchar(main_pathway)>1) %>%
saveRDS(tcga_pre_cor, file = "~/DeepMeta/data/gene_cor_add_pathway_rho.rds")
The ACLY gene encodes ATP citrate lyase that catalyzes the conversion
of citrate and coenzyme A to acetyl-CoA. We display the genes in the
citrate cycle metabolic (TCA) pathway in Fig 3b
. The
metabolic dependence correlation between TCA pathway genes and ACLY is
significantly higher than the correlation between other pathway genes
and ACLY:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/kegg_all_pathway.rds")
kegg <- kegg %>%
kegg filter(grepl("Metabolism",class) | grepl("metabolism",pathway)) %>%
mutate(pathway = gsub(" \\- Homo sapiens \\(human\\)","",pathway))
<- function(gene,pathway){
get_pathway <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
gene <- pathway %>% filter(genes %in% gene)
pathway return(c(paste(unique(pathway$pathway),collapse = ";"),
paste(unique(pathway$class),collapse = ";")))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/gene_cor_add_pathway_rho.rds")
tcga_pre_cor <- kegg %>%
tca_acly filter(pathway == "Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)")
<- tcga_pre_cor %>%
acly ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "target_pathway", delim = ";") %>%
tidyrfilter(main_gene == "ACLY") %>%
filter(target_gene != "ACLY") %>%
mutate(type = ifelse(grepl("Citrate cycle \\(TCA cycle\\)",target_pathway),
"TCA cycle pathway","Other pathway")) %>%
select(1,2,type,cor) %>%
xlab = FALSE, ylab = "Spearman Correlation")+
For quantitative representation, we calculated the degree to which correlated genes (correlation coefficient > 0.8) are enriched in the metabolic pathway where the target gene are located, relative to all other pathways, and performed permutation analysis to obtain a null distribution to calculate the significance (Methods).
<- function(kegg_dt, gene_list, pathway_name){
kegg_enricher <- strsplit(gene_list,split = ",") %>% unlist()
gene_list <- kegg_dt %>%
pathway_dt mutate(isin = ifelse(genes %in% gene_list,"yes","no")) %>%
mutate(pathway_type = ifelse(pathway == pathway_name,"yes","no")) %>%
select(genes,pathway_type,isin) %>% distinct_all()
<- pathway_dt %>% filter(pathway_type == "yes")
in_pathway <- pathway_dt %>% filter(pathway_type == "no")
<- pathway_dt$genes[pathway_dt$isin == "yes" &
counts $pathway_type == "yes"] %>%
<- fisher.test(cbind(c(sum(in_pathway$isin == "yes"),
fisher_dt sum(in_pathway$isin == "no")),
c(sum(not_in_pathway$isin == "yes"),
sum(not_in_pathway$isin == "no"))),
alternative = "greater")
<- fisher_dt$p.value
p return(list(p,counts))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_cor_all_gene_rho.rds")
tcga_pre_cor <- data.frame(genes = rownames(tcga_pre_cor),
all_genes_base split_gene = rownames(tcga_pre_cor)) %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = "split_gene",delim = ",") %>%
tidyrrowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = paste(kegg$pathway[grep(split_gene,kegg$genes)],
collapse = ";")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";") %>%
tidyrselect(genes,pathway) %>% distinct_all() %>%
filter(nchar(pathway) > 1) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(cor_counts = length(which(tcga_pre_cor[,genes]>0.8)) - 1) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(cor_counts >= 3)
#create the cluster
<- parallel::makeCluster(
my.cluster 60,
type = "PSOCK"
)#register it to be used by %dopar%
::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
<- foreach(
res i = 1:1000,
.packages = c("dplyr","tidyr")
%dopar% {
) <- all_genes_base %>%
all_genes_sample rowwise() %>%
mutate(p = kegg_enricher(kegg,
sample(rownames(tcga_pre_cor)[which(rownames(tcga_pre_cor) != genes)],
1]]) %>%
$fdr <- p.adjust(all_genes_sample$p,"fdr")
all_genes_sample<- all_genes_sample %>%
all_genes_sample_summ group_by(genes) %>%
summarise(pathway_min = pathway[which.min(p)],
min_p = p[which.min(p)],
fdr_p = fdr[which.min(p)]) %>% ungroup()
$sample_id <- i
}::stopCluster(cl = my.cluster)
<- bind_rows(res)
res saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/pathway_sim_all_genes_rho.rds")
###actual data
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_cor_all_gene_rho.rds")
tcga_pre_cor <- data.frame(genes = rownames(tcga_pre_cor),
all_genes_base split_gene = rownames(tcga_pre_cor)) %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = "split_gene",delim = ",") %>%
tidyrrowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = paste(kegg$pathway[grep(split_gene,kegg$genes)],
collapse = ";")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";") %>%
tidyrselect(genes,pathway) %>% distinct_all() %>%
filter(nchar(pathway) > 1) %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(cor_counts = length(which(tcga_pre_cor[,genes] > 0.8) - 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(cor_counts >= 3)
<- all_genes_base %>%
all_genes rowwise() %>%
mutate(counts = kegg_enricher(kegg,
rownames(tcga_pre_cor)[which((tcga_pre_cor[,genes]>0.8) & (rownames(tcga_pre_cor) != genes))],
2]]) %>%
pathway)[[mutate(p = kegg_enricher(kegg,
rownames(tcga_pre_cor)[which((tcga_pre_cor[,genes]>0.8) & (rownames(tcga_pre_cor) != genes))],
1]]) %>%
$fdr <- p.adjust(all_genes$p,"fdr")
all_genes<- all_genes %>%
all_genes_summ group_by(genes) %>%
summarise(pathway_min = pathway[which.min(p)],
min_p = p[which.min(p)],
fdr_p = fdr[which.min(p)],
cor_counts = unique(cor_counts),
counts_p = counts[which.min(p)]) %>% ungroup()
file = "~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_codepency_fisher_all_genes_rho.rds")
Among 31% of all genes, correlated genes were significantly enriched
(Fisher test P < 0.05) in the metabolic pathway where the target gene
was located and the distribution of this proportion in 1000 permutations
is shown in Fig 3b
(median proportion was 14%), resulting
the permutated P value less than 0.001, demonstrating the reliability of
the metabolic dependency analysis in TCGA samples.
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pathway_sim_all_genes_rho.rds")
res <- res %>%
sampling_res group_by(sample_id) %>%
summarise(p_sig = mean(min_p < 0.05),
fdr_sig = mean(fdr_p < 0.1)) %>%
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_codepency_fisher_all_genes_rho.rds")
all_genes_summ mean(all_genes_summ$min_p < 0.05)
#> [1] 0.3121547
<- WVPlots::ShadedDensity(frame = sampling_res,
p xvar = "fdr_sig",
threshold = mean(all_genes_summ$min_p < 0.05),
title = "",
tail = "right",linecolor="red")
$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size <- 1
p$layers[[2]]$aes_params$fill <- "blue" #geom_ribbon
p$layers[[3]]$aes_params$colour <- "black"
p$layers[[3]]$aes_params$size <- 1
<- p + labs(x="Significant proportion in the simulation (P < 0.05)",
p2 y="Density")+
For each KEGG metabolic pathway, we showed the distribution of the predicted dependency probability:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/kegg_all_pathway.rds")
<- kegg %>%
kegg filter(grepl("Metabolism",class) | grepl("metabolism",pathway)) %>%
mutate(pathway = gsub(" \\- Homo sapiens \\(human\\)","",pathway)) %>%
<- kegg %>%
kegg mutate(pathway = case_when(
== "Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)" ~ "Citrate cycle",
pathway == "Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis" ~ "Glycosylphosphatidylinositol",
pathway TRUE ~ pathway
<- function(gene,pathway){
get_pathway <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
gene <- pathway %>% filter(genes %in% gene)
pathway return(c(paste(unique(pathway$pathway),collapse = ";"),
paste(unique(pathway$class),collapse = ";")))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_V2.rds") %>%
pre <- data.frame(gene = unique(c(pre$gene))) %>%
pre_pathway rowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[1],
class = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[2]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre_pathway left_join(.,pre_pathway) %>% na.omit()
#> Joining with `by = join_by(gene)`
<- pre_pathway %>%
all_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";")
#> Loading required package: viridisLite
#> NOTE: Either Arial Narrow or Roboto Condensed fonts are required to use these themes.
#> Please use hrbrthemes::import_roboto_condensed() to install Roboto Condensed and
#> if Arial Narrow is not on your system, please see
# Plot
<- all_split %>%
all_split mutate(pathway2 = stringr::str_replace(pathway," / ","-"))
<- all_split %>%
gene_summ group_by(pathway2) %>%
summarise(gene_counts = length(unique(gene))) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(gene_counts >=10)
<- all_split %>%
all_split filter(pathway2 %in% gene_summ$pathway2) %>%
left_join(.,gene_summ) %>%
mutate(pathway3 = paste0(pathway2," (n=",gene_counts,")"))
#> Joining with `by = join_by(pathway2)`
ggplot(all_split, aes(x = preds_raw, y = pathway3, fill = stat(x))) +
geom_density_ridges_gradient(scale = 1, rel_min_height = 0.01) +
scale_fill_viridis(name = "Preds", option = "C") +
theme_minimal() +
panel.spacing = unit(0.1, "lines"),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8)
)#> Warning: `stat(x)` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#> ℹ Please use `after_stat(x)` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.0163
Then we performed enrichment analysis of metabolic pathways to test whether the genes predicted to be positive in one sample are more enriched in the specific metabolic pathway, relative to all other pathways (see Methods). Furthermore, cancer specific metabolic dependencies should show differences between tumor and normal samples. Therefore, we applied DeepMeta to TCGA normal tissues and performed the same enrichment analysis:
<- function(pathway_dt,pathway_name,sample_name){
get_pathway_p <- pathway_dt %>%
pdt filter(grepl(pathway_name,pathway) & cell == sample_name)
<- pathway_dt %>%
npdt filter(!grepl(pathway_name,pathway) & cell == sample_name)
<- fisher.test(cbind(
res c(sum(pdt$preds == 1),sum(pdt$preds != 1)),
c(sum(npdt$preds == 1),sum(npdt$preds != 1))
alternative = "greater")
<- unique(pre_pathway$cell)
<- pre_pathway %>%
all_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";")
tidyr<- unique(all_split$pathway)
all_pathways <- vector("list",84)
all_res for (i in 1:length(all_pathways)){
<- all_pathways[i]
tmp <- parallel::makeCluster(
my.cluster 60,
type = "PSOCK"
)#register it to be used by %dopar%
::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
<- foreach(
res i = all_samples,
.export = c("pre_pathway","get_pathway_p","tmp"),
.packages = c("dplyr")
%dopar% {
) <- get_pathway_p(pre_pathway,tmp,i)
p_o <- data.frame(p_value = p_o[1],
dt ratio = p_o[2],
sample = i,
pathway = tmp)
}::stopCluster(cl = my.cluster)
parallel<- bind_rows(res)
res <- res
all_res[[i]] message("Complete ",i)
}<- bind_rows(all_res)
res saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_normal_pre_V2.rds") %>%
<- data.frame(gene = unique(c(pre$gene))) %>%
pre_pathway rowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[1],
class = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[2]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre_pathway left_join(.,pre_pathway) %>% na.omit()
<- unique(pre_pathway$cell)
<- pre_pathway %>%
all_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";")
tidyr<- unique(all_split$pathway)
all_pathways <- vector("list",82)
all_res for (i in 1:length(all_pathways)){
<- all_pathways[i]
tmp <- parallel::makeCluster(
my.cluster 60,
type = "PSOCK"
)#register it to be used by %dopar%
::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
<- foreach(
res i = all_samples,
.export = c("pre_pathway","get_pathway_p","tmp"),
.packages = c("dplyr")
%dopar% {
) <- get_pathway_p(pre_pathway,tmp,i)
p_o <- data.frame(p_value = p_o[1],
dt ratio = p_o[2],
sample = i,
pathway = tmp)
}::stopCluster(cl = my.cluster)
parallel<- bind_rows(res)
res <- res
all_res[[i]] message("Complete ",i)
}<- bind_rows(all_res)
res saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep_normal.rds")
we found that nucleotide metabolism (including purine metabolism and
pyrimidine metabolism) and glutathione metabolism showed most
significant difference between cancer and normal, both in pan-cancer
(Fig 3c
) and individual cancer types:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep.rds") %>%
cancer_dep filter(!is.infinite(ratio)) %>%
mutate(log2ratio=log2(ratio+1)) %>%
mutate(type = "cancer")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep_normal.rds")%>%
normal_dep filter(!is.infinite(ratio)) %>%
mutate(log2ratio=log2(ratio+1)) %>%
mutate(type = "normal")
<- bind_rows(normal_dep,cancer_dep)
both $cancer_type <- EasyBioinfo::get_cancer_type(both$sample,
bothcores = 50,
parallel = T)
#> you have 128 cores
<- both %>%
cancer_summ group_by(pathway,cancer_type) %>%
summarise(counts = length(unique(type))) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 1)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'pathway'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
<- both %>%
cancer_summ2 group_by(cancer_type,type) %>%
summarise(counts = length(unique(sample))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(type == "normal") %>%
filter(counts > 10)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'cancer_type'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
<- intersect(unique(cancer_summ$cancer_type),
need_cancer unique(cancer_summ2$cancer_type))
<- both %>%
both_summ filter(cancer_type %in% need_cancer) %>%
group_by(pathway, type) %>%
summarise(median_or = median(log2ratio)) %>% ungroup() %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = "type",values_from = "median_or") %>%
tidyrfilter(cancer > normal)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'pathway'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
<- both %>%
dt filter(cancer_type %in% need_cancer) %>%
filter(pathway %in% both_summ$pathway) %>%
rename(Type = type)
$Type <- factor(dt$Type,levels = c("normal","cancer"))
dt###按照 P 值进行排序
<- dt %>% group_by(pathway) %>%
dt_p do(w = wilcox.test(log2ratio ~ Type, data=., paired=FALSE,
alternative = "less")) %>%
summarise(pathway, Wilcox = w$p.value) %>%
ggboxplot(data = dt, x="pathway", y= "log2ratio", fill= "Type",
ylab = "Log2OR",xlab = FALSE,
order = dt_p$pathway,
palette = c("#81E9B8","#FE7D81"))+
stat_compare_means(aes(group = Type,
label = paste0("p = ", after_stat(p.format))),
method = "wilcox",
method.args = list(alternative = "greater") )+
###cancer type
<- both %>%
both_summ group_by(pathway, cancer_type, type) %>%
summarise(median_or = median(log2ratio)) %>%
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'pathway', 'cancer_type'. You can override
#> using the `.groups` argument.
<- both %>%
cancer_summ group_by(pathway,cancer_type) %>%
summarise(counts = length(unique(type))) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 1)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'pathway'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
<- both_summ %>%
both_summ filter(cancer_type %in% cancer_summ$cancer_type) %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = "type",values_from = "median_or")
tidyr<- both_summ %>%
both_summ mutate(diff_or = cancer - normal)
%>% group_by(cancer_type,type) %>%
both summarise(counts = length(unique(sample))) %>%
filter(type == "normal") %>%
filter(counts > 10) -> tt
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'cancer_type'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
###只选择正常样本数量大于 10
<- both_summ %>%
dt filter(cancer_type %in% tt$cancer_type) %>%
select(pathway, cancer_type, diff_or) %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = cancer_type,values_from = diff_or) %>%
rownames(dt) <- dt$pathway
<- dt %>% select(-pathway)
dt ###把全是 0 的去掉,也就是这个通路在所有癌症类型中都没有差异
<- which(apply(dt,1,function(x){all(x == 0)}))
which0 <- dt[-which0,]
dt <- as.matrix(dt)
#> ========================================
#> circlize version 0.4.15
#> CRAN page:
#> Github page:
#> Documentation:
#> If you use it in published research, please cite:
#> Gu, Z. circlize implements and enhances circular visualization
#> in R. Bioinformatics 2014.
#> This message can be suppressed by:
#> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(circlize))
#> ========================================
#> Attaching package: 'circlize'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':
#> degree
#> Loading required package: grid
#> ========================================
#> ComplexHeatmap version 2.14.0
#> Bioconductor page:
#> Github page:
#> Documentation:
#> If you use it in published research, please cite either one:
#> - Gu, Z. Complex Heatmap Visualization. iMeta 2022.
#> - Gu, Z. Complex heatmaps reveal patterns and correlations in multidimensional
#> genomic data. Bioinformatics 2016.
#> The new InteractiveComplexHeatmap package can directly export static
#> complex heatmaps into an interactive Shiny app with zero effort. Have a try!
#> This message can be suppressed by:
#> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ComplexHeatmap))
#> ========================================
= colorRamp2(c(min(dt,na.rm = T), max(dt,na.rm = T)),
col_fun c("white", "red"))
<- Heatmap(dt,cluster_rows = F,cluster_columns = F,
p1 rect_gp = gpar(col = "grey", lwd = 2),row_names_side = "left",
show_heatmap_legend=T,row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
name="log2OR Cancer VS Normal",na_col="black",
row_order = c(dt_p$pathway,
rownames(dt)[which(!(rownames(dt) %in% dt_p$pathway))]))
To mitigate the impact of pathway gene set size on enrichment results, we also conducted the permutation test. For a given pathway in a particular sample, we randomly sampled genes equal to the number of genes in that pathway to form a “random gene set”. We calculated the proportion of genes predicted as positive in this random gene set, repeated this process 1000 times to obtain 1000 proportion values. Then, we compared this empirical distribution of 1000 values with the actual proportion of positive genes in the pathway to obtain a P-value. Thus, for each sample, we can get such a permutation test P value.
####Obtain P value using permutation test
##For example, in Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis, there are two genes with predicted values of 1 in the TCGA-95-7947-01 sample.
##Then, in this sample, what is the proportion of 2 genes that are randomly selected to be 1? Repeat 1000 times, and the obtained proportions will be compared with the 2/2 above
<- function(pre_dt,orign_value,sampling_counts){
get_random_p <- sapply(1:1000,
sampling1000 function(x,y,num){
<- y %>% slice_sample(n=num)
dt mean(dt$preds == 1)
%>% select(preds),
}, pre_dt
sampling_counts)<- mean(sampling1000 >= orign_value)
p_value return(p_value)
}<- pre_pathway %>%
all_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";")
<- all_split %>%
all_split_summ group_by(pathway) %>%
summarise(sample_couts = length(unique(cell))) %>% ungroup()
<- all_split_summ %>%
all_split_summ filter(sample_couts >= 2000)
<- all_split %>%
all_split filter(pathway %in% all_split_summ$pathway)
<- all_split %>%
pathway_samples select(cell,pathway) %>% distinct_all()
<- parallel::makeCluster(
my.cluster 90,
type = "PSOCK"
)#register it to be used by %dopar%
::registerDoParallel(cl = my.cluster)
<- foreach(
res i = 1:nrow(pathway_samples),
.export = c("pre_pathway","get_random_p","pathway_samples"),
.packages = c("dplyr")
%dopar% {
) <- pre_pathway %>% filter(cell == pathway_samples$cell[i])
tt <- tt %>% filter(grepl(pathway_samples$pathway[i],pathway))
tt1 <- get_random_p(tt,mean(tt1$preds == 1),nrow(tt1))
p <- data.frame(
dt sample = pathway_samples$cell[i],
pathway = pathway_samples$pathway[i],
p_value = p
}::stopCluster(cl = my.cluster)
<- bind_rows(res)
res saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pathway_permutation.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/kegg_all_pathway.rds")
kegg <- kegg %>%
kegg filter(grepl("Metabolism",class) | grepl("metabolism",pathway)) %>%
mutate(pathway = gsub(" \\- Homo sapiens \\(human\\)","",pathway)) %>%
<- kegg %>%
kegg mutate(pathway = case_when(
== "Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)" ~ "Citrate cycle",
pathway == "Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis" ~ "Glycosylphosphatidylinositol",
pathway TRUE ~ pathway
<- function(gene,pathway){
get_pathway <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
gene <- pathway %>% filter(genes %in% gene)
pathway return(c(paste(unique(pathway$pathway),collapse = ";"),
paste(unique(pathway$class),collapse = ";")))
<- readRDS("data/tcga_normal_pre_V2.rds") %>%
pre <- data.frame(gene = unique(c(pre$gene))) %>%
pre_pathway rowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[1],
class = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[2]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre_pathway left_join(.,pre_pathway) %>% na.omit()
<- pre_pathway %>%
all_split ::separate_longer_delim(cols = "pathway",delim = ";")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pathway_permutation.rds")
cancer_res <- all_split %>%
all_split filter(pathway %in% cancer_res$pathway)
<- all_split %>%
pathway_samples select(cell,pathway) %>% distinct_all()
###run same steps
saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pathway_permutation_normal.rds")
Thus, for each sample, we can get such a permutation test P value. If this P value was less than 0.05, then the sample was defined as dependent on this metabolic pathway. The distribution of differences in percentage of samples show dependency to these pathways between TCGA cancer and normal tissues shows similar pattern:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pathway_permutation.rds")
cancer_res <- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pathway_permutation_normal.rds")
normal_res <- bind_rows(
both %>% mutate(type = "cancer"),
cancer_res %>% mutate(type = "normal")
)$cancer_type <- EasyBioinfo::get_cancer_type(both$sample,cores = 50,
bothparallel = TRUE)
#> you have 128 cores
<- both %>%
cancer_summ2 group_by(cancer_type,type) %>%
summarise(counts = length(unique(sample))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(type == "normal") %>%
filter(counts > 10)
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'cancer_type'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
<- both %>%
both_summ filter(cancer_type %in% cancer_summ2$cancer_type) %>%
group_by(pathway,cancer_type,type) %>%
summarise(sig_per = mean(p_value < 0.05)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = "type", values_from = "sig_per")
tidyr#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'pathway', 'cancer_type'. You can override
#> using the `.groups` argument.
<- both_summ %>%
both_summ mutate(diff = cancer - normal) %>%
filter(pathway %in% rownames(dt))
<- both_summ %>%
dt1 select(pathway, cancer_type, diff) %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = cancer_type, values_from = diff) %>%
rownames(dt1) <- dt1$pathway
$pathway <- NULL
dt1<- as.matrix(dt1)
= colorRamp2(c(min(dt1,na.rm = T), max(dt1,na.rm = T)),
col_fun c("white", "red"))
<- Heatmap(dt1,cluster_rows = F,cluster_columns = F,
p1 rect_gp = gpar(col = "grey", lwd = 2),
row_names_side = "left",
show_heatmap_legend=T,row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
name="Significant sample proportion \nCancer VS Normal",
row_order = c(dt_p$pathway,
rownames(dt1)[which(!(rownames(dt1) %in% dt_p$pathway))]))
To demonstrate the potential clinical applications of DeepMeta, we
divided patients from the TCGA dataset which received anti-pyrimidine
metabolism drug treatment (including capecitabine, pemetrexed,
gemcitabine and fluorouracil) into two groups based on the dependency of
pyrimidine metabolism pathway and calculated the survival difference
between the two groups. We found that among patients who received
anti-pyrimidine metabolism drug treatment, those predicted by DeepMeta
to have a higher dependence on pyrimidine metabolism had significantly
better survival (Fig 3d
). Interestingly, among patients who
had not been treated by anti-pyrimidine drugs, the group with higher
dependency exhibits significantly worse prognosis:
#> Welcome to 'ezcox' package!
#> =======================================================================
#> You are using ezcox version 1.0.4
#> Project home :
#> Documentation:
#> Cite as : arXiv:2110.14232
#> =======================================================================
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_survial.rds")
surv <- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep.rds")
res <- res %>% filter(pathway == "Pyrimidine metabolism")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_drug.rds")
tcga_drug <- tcga_drug %>%
tcga_drug mutate(response_type =
ifelse(response %in% c("Complete Response","Partial Response"),"response",
drug_type = ifelse( %in%
"anti_nm","no_anti_nm")) %>%
filter(patient.arr %in% substr(py$sample,1,12)) %>%
select(patient.arr,drug_type) %>%
<- tcga_drug %>%
tcga_drug group_by(patient.arr) %>%
summarise(drug_type = ifelse("anti_nm" %in% drug_type,"anti_nm","no_anti_nm")) %>%
## anti-nm
<- left_join(
surv_nm %>%
tcga_drug rename(sample=patient.arr) %>%
filter(drug_type == "anti_nm"),
surv%>% left_join(.,
) %>% mutate(sample = substr(sample,1,12))) %>%
py distinct_all(.keep_all = TRUE)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample)`
$cancers <- EasyBioinfo::get_cancer_type(surv_nm$sample)
<- surv_nm %>%
cancer_summ group_by(cancers) %>%
summarise(counts = n()) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 10)
<- surv_nm %>%
surv_nm_filter filter(cancers %in% cancer_summ$cancers)
<- surv_nm_filter %>%
surv_nm_filter mutate(OR_type = ifelse(ratio > median(surv_nm_filter$ratio), "high","low"))
$OR_type <- factor(surv_nm_filter$OR_type, levels = c("low","high"))
<- show_forest(surv_nm_filter,covariates = "OR_type",time = "OS.time",
p1 status = "OS",controls = "cancers",vars_to_show = "OR_type"
)#> => Processing variable OR_type
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> Resized limits to included dashed line in forest panel
<- EasyBioinfo::show_km(surv_nm_filter ,"OR_type",title="All Cancer Type")
###all patient
<- inner_join(
surv,%>% mutate(sample = substr(sample,1,12))
py %>% distinct_all(.keep_all = TRUE) %>% filter(!
) #> Joining with `by = join_by(sample)`
<- surv_all %>% filter(!(sample %in% surv_nm$sample))
$cancers <- EasyBioinfo::get_cancer_type(surv_all$sample)
surv_all<- surv_all %>%
cancer_summ group_by(cancers) %>%
summarise(counts = n()) %>% ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 10)
<- surv_all %>%
surv_all_filter filter(cancers %in% cancer_summ$cancers)
<- surv_all_filter %>%
surv_all_filter mutate(OR_type = ifelse(ratio > median(surv_all_filter$ratio), "high","low"))
$OR_type <- factor(surv_all_filter$OR_type,
surv_all_filterlevels = c("low","high"))
<- show_forest(surv_all_filter,covariates = "OR_type",time = "OS.time",
p3 status = "OS",controls = "cancers",vars_to_show = "OR_type")
#> => Processing variable OR_type
#> ==> Building Surv object...
#> ==> Building Cox model...
#> ==> Done.
#> Resized limits to included dashed line in forest panel
<- EasyBioinfo::show_km(surv_all_filter ,"OR_type",title="All Cancer Type")
<- survminer::arrange_ggsurvplots(list(p2,p4))
p5 p5
+ p3 p1
In these patients, we compared the enrichment of cell cycle-related gene signature (through GSVA analysis):
<- readRDS("~/meta_target/data/CCS_genes.rds")
CCS_genes <- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/TCGA/tcga_RSEM_gene_tpm.gz",
tumor_tpm data.table = F)
<- tumor_tpm %>%
tumor_tpm select(sample,which(as.numeric(substr(colnames(tumor_tpm),14,15)) < 10)) %>%
rename(id = sample)
<- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/TCGA/probeMap_gencode.v23.annotation.gene.probemap",
mapping data.table = F)
<- left_join(tumor_tpm,mapping %>% select(id,gene)) %>%
tumor_tpm select(-id) %>%
<- tumor_tpm[!duplicated(tumor_tpm$gene),]
tumor_tpm rownames(tumor_tpm) <- tumor_tpm$gene
$gene <- NULL
<- list(ccs = CCS_genes$V1)
gs <- gsvaParam(as.matrix(tumor_tpm), gs)
gsvaPar <- gsva(gsvaPar, verbose=TRUE, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 50,
type = "SOCK"))
<- $sample <- rownames(
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep.rds")
res <- res %>% filter(pathway == "Pyrimidine metabolism")
py <- inner_join(
)saveRDS(res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_ccs.rds")
The results showed that patients with higher dependency on pyrimidine metabolism pathway had more active expression of cell cycle-related genes, indicating that tumors which are more dependent on pyrimidine metabolism may have stronger proliferation phenotype, thus worse prognosis, while at the same time show strongly improved clinical response to anti-pyrimidine drugs:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/pancancer_meta_dep.rds")
res <- res %>% filter(pathway == "Pyrimidine metabolism")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_drug.rds")
tcga_drug <- tcga_drug %>%
tcga_drug mutate(drug_type = ifelse( %in% c("Capecitabine","Pemetrexed","Gemcitabine","Fluorouracil"),
"anti_nm","no_anti_nm")) %>%
filter(patient.arr %in% substr(py$sample,1,12)) %>%
select(patient.arr,drug_type) %>%
<- tcga_drug %>%
anti_nm group_by(patient.arr) %>%
summarise(drug_type = ifelse("anti_nm" %in% drug_type,
"anti_nm","no_anti_nm")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rename(sample=patient.arr) %>%
filter(drug_type == "anti_nm")
<- py %>% filter(!(substr(sample,1,12) %in% anti_nm$sample))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_ccs.rds")
res <- res %>%
res filter(sample %in% py_no_nm$sample)
<- res %>%
res mutate(type = ifelse(ratio > median(res$ratio),"high","low"))
ggboxplot(res,x="type",y="ccs",xlab = "OR_type",
ylab = "Cell cycle signature score")+
Metabolic vulnerabilities of cancers with undruggable driver genes
Genetic alterations are major driving forces for cancer, and some driving genetic alterations such as EGFR-L858R, BRAF-V600E created drug targets for treating cancers that are dependent on these drivers. However there are many recurrent cancer driving events, such as genetic alterations in CTNNB1, MYC, TP53, generate proteins lack accessible hydrophobic pockets, in which small molecules can bind with high affinity and thus has been termed “undruggable”. We would like to ask whether we could indirectly target these cancer driving genetic alterations from the perspective of metabolic dependency. We considered three currently undruggable cancer driver genes, including MYC, TP53 and CTNNB1. For each driver gene, we first screened metabolic genes at the pan-cancer level that predicted dependencies were correlated with the mutational status of the driver gene:
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/kegg_all_pathway.rds")
kegg <- kegg %>%
kegg filter(grepl("Metabolism",class) | grepl("metabolism",pathway)) %>%
mutate(pathway = gsub(" \\- Homo sapiens \\(human\\)","",pathway))
<- function(gene,pathway){
get_pathway <- strsplit(gene,split = ",")[[1]]
gene <- pathway %>% filter(genes %in% gene)
pathway return(c(paste(unique(pathway$pathway),collapse = ";"),
paste(unique(pathway$class),collapse = ";")))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_pre_V2.rds") %>%
pre <- data.frame(gene = unique(c(pre$gene))) %>%
pre_pathway rowwise() %>%
mutate(pathway = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[1],
class = get_pathway(gene,kegg)[2]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
<- pre %>%
pre_pathway left_join(.,pre_pathway) %>% na.omit()
<- function(pre_dt){
gene_screen <- pre_dt %>%
gene_summ group_by(gene) %>%
summarise(counts=mean(preds == 1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 0 & counts < 1)
<- pre_dt %>%
gene_summ2 group_by(gene) %>%
summarise(counts=mean(type == "mut")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(counts > 0 & counts < 1)
<- intersect(gene_summ$gene,gene_summ2$gene)
<- pre_dt %>% filter(gene %in% all_genes)
<- vector("list",length = length(all_genes))
res for (i in 1:length(all_genes)){
<- pre_dt %>% filter(gene == all_genes[i])
dt $type <- factor(dt$type,levels = c("non-mut","mut"))
dt<- dt %>% select(cancer)
dt_cancer <- caret::dummyVars(" ~ .", data=dt_cancer)
dummy <- data.frame(predict(dummy, newdata=dt_cancer))
<- bind_cols(dt,dt_cancer)
dt <- colnames(dt_cancer)
all_caners <- glm(data = dt,
dt_model as.formula(paste0("preds ~ type + ",
paste(all_caners,collapse = "+"))),
family =binomial(link = "logit"))
<- jtools::summ(dt_model,exp=TRUE)$coeftable %>%
model_summ $var <- rownames(model_summ)
model_summ<- model_summ %>% filter(var == "typemut")
model_summ $gene <- all_genes[i]
model_summ<- model_summ
}<- bind_rows(res)
res colnames(res)[1:3] <- c("OR","lower","upper")
colnames(res)[5] <- c("P")
colnames(res)[7] <- c("Gene")
<- res %>% filter(P<0.05 & OR>1)
res $mean <- res$OR
res$OR <- round(res$OR,3)
res$P <- round(res$P,3)
res<- res %>%
res arrange(P,desc(OR))
<- "CTNNB1"
need_gene <- c("p.S45F","p.S45P","p.S45Y","p.S45del","p.S45_P52del",
mut_pos "p.K335I","p.K335T","p.N387K","p.T41A","p.T41I",
<- mut %>%
mut_gene filter(gene == need_gene & Amino_Acid_Change %in% mut_pos)
<- mut %>%
all_mut_gene filter(gene == need_gene)
<- pre_pathway %>%
ctnnb_gene_pre mutate(type = case_when(
%in% mut_gene$sample ~ "mut",
cell !(cell %in% all_mut_gene$sample) ~ "non-mut",
TRUE ~ "other"
%>% filter(type != "other")
)) <- gene_screen(pre_dt = ctnnb_gene_pre)
<- data.table::fread("/home/data/sdc/wt/TCGA/GISTIC.focal_data_by_genes.conf_95.txt.gz",data.table = F)
gistic <- gistic %>%
gistic_myc filter(`Gene Symbol` %in% c("MYC","MYCL1","MYCN")) %>%
select(-c(2,3)) %>%
rownames(gistic_myc) <- gistic_myc$`Gene Symbol`
<- gistic_myc %>%
gistic_myc select(-`Gene Symbol`) %>%
t() %>%
$sample <- rownames(gistic_myc)
gistic_myc<- gistic_myc %>%
gistic_myc rowwise() %>%
mutate(type = ifelse(any(c(MYC,MYCL1,MYCN)>0),"amp","non-amp")) %>%
<- gistic_myc %>%
gistic_myc mutate(sample = substr(sample,1,15))
<- gistic_myc %>% filter(type == "amp")
myc_amp <- mut %>%
all_mut_gene filter(gene %in% c("MYC","MYCL1","MYCN"))
<- unique(c(all_mut_gene$sample,myc_amp$sample))
<- pre_pathway %>%
myc_gene_pre mutate(type = case_when(
%in% myc_amp$sample ~ "mut",
cell !(cell %in% all_mut_sample) ~ "non-mut",
TRUE ~ "other"
%>% filter(type != "other")
<- gene_screen(pre_dt = myc_gene_pre)
<- mut %>%
tp53_mut filter(gene == "TP53") %>%
filter(effect %in% c("Frame_Shift_Del","Frame_Shift_Ins","In_Frame_Del",
"Splice_Site") | Amino_Acid_Change == "p.T125T") %>%
mutate(mut_index = paste(chr,start,end,reference,alt,sep = "-"))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tp53_mut_ckb.rds")
tp53_mut_ckb <- paste0("p.",tp53_mut_ckb$mut)
tp53_mut_ckb <- tp53_mut_ckb[which(tp53_mut_ckb %in% tp53_mut$Amino_Acid_Change)]
<- "TP53"
need_gene <- tp53_mut_ckb
mut_pos <- mut %>%
mut_gene filter(gene == need_gene & Amino_Acid_Change %in% mut_pos)
<- mut %>%
all_mut_gene filter(gene == need_gene)
<- pre_pathway %>%
tp53_gene_pre mutate(type = case_when(
%in% mut_gene$sample ~ "mut",
cell !(cell %in% all_mut_gene$sample) ~ "non-mut",
TRUE ~ "other"
%>% filter(type != "other")
)) <- gene_screen(pre_dt = tp53_gene_pre)
<- bind_rows(
all_res %>% mutate(target = "MYC"),
myc_res %>% mutate(target = "TP53"),
tp53_res %>% mutate(target = "CTNNB1")
)saveRDS(all_res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/merge_driver_dep.rds")
<- list(
gene_pre_res MYC = myc_gene_pre,
TP53 = tp53_gene_pre,
CTNNB1 = ctnnb_gene_pre
file = "/home/data/sdc/wt/TCGA/tcga_driver_pre.rds")
#> Loading required package: checkmate
#> Loading required package: abind
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/merge_driver_dep.rds")
all_res <- all_res %>%
all_res_filter filter(!is.infinite(OR)) %>%
mutate(`Target-Gene` = paste(target,Gene,sep = "-")) %>%
mutate(`Target-Gene` = ifelse(
`Target-Gene` %in% c("TP53-GPX4","CTNNB1-IMPDH2",
paste0(`Target-Gene`," *"), `Target-Gene`
all_res_filter forestplot(labeltext = c(`Target-Gene`, OR, P),
xlog = TRUE,
xlab = "OR",boxsize = 0.25,) |>
fp_set_style(box = "royalblue",
line = "darkblue",
summary = "royalblue") |>
fp_add_header(`Target-Gene` = c("Target-Gene"),
OR = c("OR"),
P = c("P")) |>
Subsequently, in each cancer type, for each screened metabolic gene, we evaluated the dependency difference of the metabolic gene in samples with functional mutations in the driver gene compared to samples without the driver gene mutations, using a one-tailed Fisher’s test.
<- function(pre_dt,need_gene){
gene_screen_one_cancer_fisher <- pre_dt %>% filter(gene == need_gene)
dt $type <- factor(dt$type,levels = c("mut","non-mut"))
dt$preds <- factor(dt$preds, levels = c(1,0))
<- unique(dt$cancer)
all_cancers <- vector("list",length(all_cancers))
cancer_res names(cancer_res) <- all_cancers
for (i in 1:length(all_cancers)){
<- dt %>% filter(cancer == all_cancers[i])
dt_cancer if (length(unique(as.character(dt_cancer$preds))) == 2 &
length(unique(as.character(dt_cancer$type))) == 2){
<- fisher.test(table(dt_cancer$preds,dt_cancer$type),
dt_fisher alternative = "greater")
<- dt_cancer %>%
dt_cancer_summ group_by(cancer,type,preds) %>%
summarise(counts=n()) %>% ungroup()
$p <- dt_fisher$p.value
<- dt_cancer_summ
cancer_res[[i]] else{
}<- NA
}<- bind_rows(cancer_res[which(lengths(cancer_res)>1)])
<- function(res_dt,pre_dt){
get_gene_split_cancer <- unique(res_dt$Gene)
all_genes <- vector("list",length(all_genes))
all_genes_res for (i in 1:length(all_genes)){
<- gene_screen_one_cancer_fisher(pre_dt,all_genes[i])
res_cancer $gene <- all_genes[i]
res_cancer<- res_cancer
}<- bind_rows(all_genes_res)
all_genes_res return(all_genes_res)
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/merge_driver_dep.rds")
all_res <- readRDS("/home/data/sdc/wt/TCGA/tcga_driver_pre.rds")
gene_pre names(gene_pre)[4] <- "CTNNB1"
<- vector("list",4)
cancer_res <- c("TP53","MYC","CTNNB1")
all_genes for (i in 1:length(all_genes)){
<- all_res %>% filter(target == all_genes[i])
dt <- gene_pre[[all_genes[i]]]
dt_gene_pre <- get_gene_split_cancer(dt, dt_gene_pre)
dt_res <- dt_res %>% mutate(target = all_genes[i])
dt_res <- dt_res
}<- bind_rows(cancer_res)
cancer_res <- cancer_res %>% filter(p < 0.05)
cancer_res saveRDS(cancer_res,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/split_cancer_res_greater.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/split_cancer_res_greater.rds")
all_res <- all_res %>%
all_res_summ group_by(target,gene,cancer,type) %>%
summarise(percent_1 = counts[which(preds == 1)]/sum(counts),
p_value = -log10(unique(p)),
all_counts = sum(counts)) %>% ungroup()
##只选择 mut 里面大于 non-mut 里面的
<- all_res_summ %>%
all_res_summ2 group_by(target,gene,cancer) %>%
summarise(large=ifelse(percent_1[which(type == "mut")] > percent_1[which(type == "non-mut")],1,0)) %>%
ungroup() %>% filter(large == 1)
<- left_join(
<- all_res_summ %>% filter(!
all_res_summ <- all_res_summ %>%
all_res_summ select(-large) %>%
::pivot_wider(names_from = "type",
tidyrvalues_from = c("percent_1","all_counts"))
<- all_res_summ %>%
all_res_summ mutate(index = paste(gene,cancer,sep = "-"))
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/tcga_normal_pre_V2.rds") %>%
tcga_normal <- tcga_normal %>%
normal_summ group_by(gene,cancer) %>%
summarise(counts = n(),
pos_percent = mean(preds == 1)) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate(index = paste(gene,cancer,sep = "-")) %>%
filter(index %in% all_res_summ$index)
<- left_join(
all_res_summ,%>% select(-cancer,-gene)
<- all_res_summ %>% ##至少突变3个样本
dt filter(all_counts_mut >=3) %>%
mutate(ratio1 = round(percent_1_mut / `percent_1_non-mut`,2),
ratio2 = round((percent_1_mut - pos_percent) / percent_1_mut,2),
p_value = round(p_value,2)) %>%
select(target, gene, cancer, p_value, c(12,13))
colnames(dt)[1:3] <- c("Target Gene","Gene","Cancer")
saveRDS(dt,file = "~/DeepMeta/data/split_cancer_webshot2.rds")
<- readRDS("~/DeepMeta/data/split_cancer_webshot2.rds")
<- function(label, width = "100%", height = "1rem", fill = "#00bfc4", background = NULL) {
bar_chart <- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height))
bar <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, marginLeft = "0.5rem"), bar)
chart div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), label, chart)
<- function(label, width = "100%", height = "1rem", fill = "#00bfc4", background = NULL) {
bar_chart_pos_neg <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
neg_chart <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
pos_chart if (label < 0){
<- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height, marginLeft = "0.8rem"))
bar <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, display = "flex", alignItems = "center", justifyContent = "flex-end"), bar)
chart <- tagAppendChild(neg_chart, chart)
neg_chart else {
} <- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height, marginRight = "0.8rem"))
bar <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), bar)
chart <- tagAppendChild(pos_chart, chart)
}div(style = list(display = "flex"), label, neg_chart, pos_chart)
dt,columns = list(
ratio1 = colDef(name = "Ratio <br> (MP / NMP)", align = "left", html = TRUE, cell = function(value) {
<- paste0(abs(value / max(dt$ratio1)) * 100, "%")
width <- format(value, nsmall = 2)
label bar_chart(label, width = width, fill = "#11325D", background = "#e1e1e1")
minWidth = 100),
},ratio2 = colDef(name = "Ratio <br> ([MP - NP] / MP)", align = "left", html = TRUE, cell = function(value) {
<- paste0(abs(value / max(dt$ratio2)) * 100, "%")
width <- format(value, nsmall = 2)
label bar_chart_pos_neg(label, width = width, fill = "#f5a673", background = "#e1e1e1")
minWidth = 120),
},p_value = colDef(name = "P Value (-log10)", align = "left", cell = function(value) {
<- paste0(value / max(dt$p_value) * 100, "%")
width <- format(value, nsmall = 2)
label bar_chart(label, width = width, fill = "#B783AF", background = "#e1e1e1")
minWidth = 100)
),defaultPageSize = 40